Fall CSA Shares Available

Eating locally does not have to end with summer. Our fall CSA starts Wednesday, September 10th and goes 10 weeks till November 12th. We hope you will join us in eating with the season.

The fall share actually offers both heat loving summer crops as well as cool season fall crops. Warmer loving crops such as tomatoes, beans, and zucchini start off the season.  As the weather gets cooler, we see the introduction of more cooler season vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, and winter squash. Crops planned include lettuce, greens (both salad and cooking), tomatoes, kale, and carrots. The full list of crops plus more details about the share are in the  fall crop calendar.

Cost is $250 (includes 2.5% food tax).

Pickup is at 5th Season Gardening at 900 Preston Avenue.

Please visit the CSA and Fall CSA pages for more information.

Interested in being a fall shareholder? Visit the CSA sign-up page for a registration form you can print and mail in with payment.




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